Inner Lotus Music Blog — Self-Love

INNER HARMONY | 528Hz + 111Hz Healing Self Love & Inner Peace

INNER HARMONY | 528Hz + 111Hz Healing Self Love & Inner Peace

This music for meditation and/or sleep was composed with love in the healing frequencies of 528Hz and 111Hz. It is here for you to lovingly help you restore your natural state of unconditional self-love and find your way back to peace, balance and inner harmony.

417Hz + 528Hz Heal Trauma & Restore Self Love

417Hz + 528Hz Heal Trauma & Restore Self Love

This specially composed music for meditation and/or sleep, combines the healing Solfeggio frequencies of 417 Hz and 528 Hz and is here for you to lovingly support you on your healing journey to self-love, self-acceptance, self-assurance, inner balance and deep inner peace.

