Inner Lotus Music Blog — harmony

No More Anxiety 🌸 396Hz + 444Hz Meditation & Sleep Music

No More Anxiety 🌸 396Hz + 444Hz Meditation & Sleep Music

The Solfeggio frequency of 396Hz is known to help overcome feelings such as anxiety and dissolve blockages. It releases positive energies so that feelings of fear and possibly guilt can be overcome.

It is often reported that the frequency of 444 Hz gives a particularly strong feeling of calm and peace. In addition, the energy released by the number 4 provides protection and security.

The Butterfly Effect 🦋 432Hz Music

The Butterfly Effect 🦋 432Hz Music

The term “butterfly effect” emanates from chaos theory and rests on the notion that the world is deeply interconnected. It describes how a tiny change in one part of a system can cause a major effect elsewhere.

The American mathematician and meteorologist Edward Norton Lorenz originally explained this theory metaphorically: the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one corner of the world could result in a tornado in another corner weeks later. Hence the name of the effect.

Cosmic Waves of Inner Peace | 432Hz Meditation & Sleep Music

Cosmic Waves of Inner Peace | 432Hz Meditation & Sleep Music

Music is well known to affect more than just our psyche. It can also have positive influence on internal functions like blood pressure, heart rate and even physical pain amongst many other things.

Music tuned to 432 Hz is proven to be relaxing for body and mind and very often also perceived as being more harmonic and pleasant than the “standard” 440 Hz, which is the frequency that most of the modern day music we listen to is tuned at.

741Hz Eliminate All Negative Energy

741Hz Eliminate All Negative Energy

Remove and eliminate all negativity in your home and your life. Release blockages, dissolve and cleanse toxins and infections and let pure and positive energy flow into your whole being.

This music for meditation and/or sleep in the healing Solfeggio frequency of 741Hz is here for you, to lovingly support you in your spiritual and emotional detox and to help you live a conscious, healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

Peaceful Sleep | 432Hz Deep Healing & Releasing Music

Peaceful Sleep | 432Hz Deep Healing & Releasing Music

Music is well known to affect more than just our psyche. It can also have positive influence on internal functions like blood pressure, heart rate and even physical pain amongst many other things. Music tuned to 432 Hz is proven to be relaxing for body and mind and very often also perceived as being more harmonic and pleasant than the “standard” 440 Hz, which is the frequency that most of the modern day music we listen to is tuned at.

INNER HARMONY | 528Hz + 111Hz Healing Self Love & Inner Peace

INNER HARMONY | 528Hz + 111Hz Healing Self Love & Inner Peace

This music for meditation and/or sleep was composed with love in the healing frequencies of 528Hz and 111Hz. It is here for you to lovingly help you restore your natural state of unconditional self-love and find your way back to peace, balance and inner harmony.

