Self-Love Sleep Music 528Hz + Alpha Brainwave + Rain Black Screen
This self love sleep music was composed with love in the healing solfeggio frequency of 528Hz and is embedded in relaxing sounds of rain. Additionally, a 8Hz Isochronic Alpha Brainwave has been added to help you reach a state of deep mindfulness and reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
In this 9h special edition, the animation gradually fades out during the first 5 minutes of the video and the screen remains black until the end.

All Night 7 Chakras Healing Sleep Music & Rain
Just as a melody can be composed by the use of the 7 notes of an octave, the 7 chakras create the soundtrack of our existence as human beings. And just as the construction of a house begins with the foundation, the work on the chakras starts from the bottom. Therefore, this all night 7 chakras healing music starts at the lowest chakra frequency and rises successively.

Lucid Dreaming Sleep Music | 9h Black Screen Edition
A lucid dream takes place when we are aware that we are dreaming, while we’re in the process of doing so. People who have a lucid dream, are able to influence it and even take control of the narrative.
Lucid dreams are most likely to take place during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, which we usually enter in the first couple of hours of our sleep, and cycle through several other times throughout the night.

No More Anxiety 🌸 396Hz + 444Hz Meditation & Sleep Music
The Solfeggio frequency of 396Hz is known to help overcome feelings such as anxiety and dissolve blockages. It releases positive energies so that feelings of fear and possibly guilt can be overcome.
It is often reported that the frequency of 444 Hz gives a particularly strong feeling of calm and peace. In addition, the energy released by the number 4 provides protection and security.

Lucid Dreaming Music | 963Hz + 4Hz Theta Brainwave
A lucid dream takes place when we are aware that we are dreaming, while we’re in the process of doing so. People who have a lucid dream, are able to influence it and even take control of the narrative.
Lucid dreaming has many benefits: It can reduce recurring nightmares and help the dreamer take control of their subconscious and influence the dream to take on a soothing and more pleasant narrative. This can be extremely helpful in cases of anxiety and/or insomnia.

Heart & Brain Coherence | 639Hz + 6Hz + 0.1Hz
When the heart and the brain are in optimal sync with one another, the frequency measured is 0.1Hz. This is called heart brain coherence. When experiencing heart brain coherence, the nervous system, cardiovascular system, hormonal system and immune system, work much more harmoniously & efficiently together, creating a more optimal level of performance.
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