Inner Lotus Music Blog — remove all negativity

Deep 111Hz Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

Deep 111Hz Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

According to scientific reports, MRI scans have shown that - when listening to 111 Hz - our brain reduces prefrontal cortex activity and slows down the so-called “language center”, inducing a phase at exactly 111 Hz. This reaction results in a divine level of meditation.

Purest Energy Cleanse | 741Hz

Purest Energy Cleanse | 741Hz

The frequency of 741 Hz is known to resonate particularly well with the cells and organs of our body and help remove toxins and infections. It promotes a healthier and more stable life.

This tone also helps us to liberate ourselves from negative energy, as well as from all emotional restrictions, negative influence and blockages that are associated with.

Trauma Healing Sleep Music

Trauma Healing Sleep Music

The 417 Hz Solfeggio frequency is said to help clear away all negativity, overcome self doubt, remove blockages and heal negative emotions.

Music written in this particular 417 Hz healing frequency is said to be music to feel better and that can bring change: It marks the start of new beginnings in life and can reverse and undo the energy of negative experiences.

