Inner Lotus Music Blog — theta brainwave

Deep Calm & Inner Peace | 432Hz + 4.32Hz Theta

Deep Calm & Inner Peace | 432Hz + 4.32Hz Theta

Music tuned to 432Hz is proven to be relaxing for body and mind and very often also perceived as being more harmonic and pleasant than the “standard” 440 Hz, which is the frequency that most of the modern day music we listen to is tuned at.

Lucid Dreaming Music | 963Hz + 4Hz Theta Brainwave

Lucid Dreaming Music | 963Hz + 4Hz Theta Brainwave

A lucid dream takes place when we are aware that we are dreaming, while we’re in the process of doing so. People who have a lucid dream, are able to influence it and even take control of the narrative.

Lucid dreaming has many benefits: It can reduce recurring nightmares and help the dreamer take control of their subconscious and influence the dream to take on a soothing and more pleasant narrative. This can be extremely helpful in cases of anxiety and/or insomnia.

Heart & Brain Coherence | 639Hz + 6Hz + 0.1Hz

Heart & Brain Coherence | 639Hz + 6Hz + 0.1Hz

When the heart and the brain are in optimal sync with one another, the frequency measured is 0.1Hz. This is called heart brain coherence. When experiencing heart brain coherence, the nervous system, cardiovascular system, hormonal system and immune system, work much more harmoniously & efficiently together, creating a more optimal level of performance.

