Inner Lotus Music Blog — stress relief

852Hz Connect With Your Higher Self

852Hz Connect With Your Higher Self

In the Solfeggio scale, the 852Hz frequency is also known as the tone ‘LA’. The intent of this tone is to awaken intuition and return to a spiritual order. The frequency of 852Hz can be used as means for opening up to the higher self and communicating with the all-encompassing spirit.

174Hz + 1.74Hz Delta Wave | Deepest Pain Relief

174Hz + 1.74Hz Delta Wave | Deepest Pain Relief

Also known as “frequency of the Earth Energy”, the frequency of 174Hz enables a connection between us and Mother Earth and conveys a feeling of security and serenity. Besides its calming and relaxing qualities on the mind, the 174Hz healing frequency also appears to have an effect on relaxing muscles and tendons and thereby alleviating tension and pain.

INNER HARMONY | 528Hz + 111Hz Healing Self Love & Inner Peace

INNER HARMONY | 528Hz + 111Hz Healing Self Love & Inner Peace

This music for meditation and/or sleep was composed with love in the healing frequencies of 528Hz and 111Hz. It is here for you to lovingly help you restore your natural state of unconditional self-love and find your way back to peace, balance and inner harmony.

DEEP SLEEP 432Hz Music & Delta Waves 🌙 Insomnia, Stress & Anxiety Healing

DEEP SLEEP 432Hz Music & Delta Waves 🌙 Insomnia, Stress & Anxiety Healing

This 9 hour black screen version of specially composed meditation and/or sleep music in the natural frequency of 432 Hz contains isochronic tones that reproduce 3 delta brainwaves of 1 Hz, 2 Hz and 3 Hz respectively. It is here for you to lovingly help you fall asleep fast and relieve insomnia, stress and anxiety to find a deep, restful and healing sleep.

