Inner Lotus Music Blog — good mood music

396Hz Root Chakra & Anxiety Relief Frequency

396Hz Root Chakra & Anxiety Relief Frequency

The healing Solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz is known to help remove negative energy, overcome feelings of fear and clear blockages.

396Hz is also a frequency our Root Chakra can resonate with. Our Root Chakra represents security and stability and, being the first and lowest of our 7 main chakras, it is of fundamental importance to our balance.

Mood-Lifting & Happiness Frequency Music

Mood-Lifting & Happiness Frequency Music

The healing Solfeggio frequency of 639 Hz is said to help balance emotions and elevate the mood. It also promotes communication, love, understanding, and brings harmony into interpersonal relationships. Music set to 639 Hz is perfect when you need a significant boost of love and positivity 🌟

