Self Love & Intuition | 528Hz + 852Hz Golden Chakra & Third Eye Frequency

Heal and strengthen your natural self-love and intuition 🧡 This specially composed music for meditation and/or sleep combines the healing solfeggio frequencies of 528Hz and 852Hz and is here for you to lovingly help you clear any blockages and old negative energies that are preventing you from intuitively and lovingly reconnecting with your true self.

The Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz is the frequency of self love, cell regeneration and repair, transformation and positivity. It can help heal old negative experiences and replaces them with new and pure positive energy. It also helps to build and strengthen self-confidence and thus increases ease in any manifestation of goals and objectives to be achieved.

528Hz is also a frequency our solar plexus chakra (sometimes also referred to as “golden chakra”) can resonate with. Our solar plexus chakra is the center of strength, self-esteem, the power of transformation and many more. This chakra is an inexhaustible source of energy, self-confidence and power. It is the place where our power for change and self-transformation is located.

In the Solfeggio scale, the 852Hz frequency is also known as the tone ‘LA’. The intent of this tone is to awaken intuition and return to a spiritual order. It is linked to our ability to see through illusions of life, such as hidden agendas of people, places and/or things. The Solfeggio frequency of 852Hz is also a frequency our third eye chakra can resonate with.

The third eye chakra, also called “Ajna”, is our center of intuition and foresight. It connects us with the higher intuition and guidance from our soul. Located slightly above and between the eyebrows, it sometimes also is referred as “brow chakra”. It is through the third eye chakra that we receive the guidance of our soul through intuition. Therefore it is sometimes called the "gateway to the soul".


If you enjoy this video, you might also resonate with the following music:

Inner Harmony | 528Hz + 111Hz Healing Self Love & Inner Peace | Release Blockages Meditation & Sleep

528Hz + 111Hz Positive Transformation & Golden Chakra Healing | Body Repair Energy Meditation Sleep

852Hz Connect With Your HIGHER SELF | Raise Spiritual & Mental Energy | Meditation Frequency Music

If you would like to discover more music written in the healing Solfeggio frequencies, you can find it in this playlist:

You can also listen to more music for the chakras in my “Chakra Healing Music” playlist:


For this meditation and/or sleep music, all instruments have been specifically and carefully tuned to 528Hz and 852Hz. Therefore, the music in this video is an original 528Hz + 852Hz composition and has not been artificially tuned to these frequencies after completion. I am convinced that composing music in the original frequency will lead to better results when it comes to deploying the positive energy and benefits of this particular healing frequency.


Copyright 2024 Inner Lotus Music™. All rights reserved.