Inner Lotus Music Blog — 111Hz music

Deep 111Hz Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

Deep 111Hz Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

According to scientific reports, MRI scans have shown that - when listening to 111 Hz - our brain reduces prefrontal cortex activity and slows down the so-called “language center”, inducing a phase at exactly 111 Hz. This reaction results in a divine level of meditation.

1111Hz + 111Hz White Light Healing Meditation Music

1111Hz + 111Hz White Light Healing Meditation Music

Manifest a radiant flow of pure white light from the Source, which flows through all levels of your being and deep into Mother Earth. Let this healing light flow into every cell of your being. Cleanse every part of yourself and allow yourself to let go of anything that is holding you back on your journey and no longer serves you.

Nervous System Reset | 75Hz + 111Hz

Nervous System Reset | 75Hz + 111Hz

The 75 Hz frequency is associated with grounding and harmonizing our body's natural rhythms and rebalancing our nervous system, allowing us to get back to a state where we feel deeply calm, relaxed and centered.

Inner Center | 111Hz + 11.1Hz Alpha Wave

Inner Center | 111Hz + 11.1Hz Alpha Wave

When we are in our center, we feel calm, alert, and aware. We are being, rather than doing, fully in the present moment. We can sense how everything around you is connected. We feel no tension, resistance, or effort. Even the sense of trying to

center ourselves disappears: We can just be. No positive or negative feelings or emotions. We are calm, balanced and centered.

111Hz Stillness Within | 9h Black Screen Deep Sleep Edition

111Hz Stillness Within | 9h Black Screen Deep Sleep Edition

The frequency of 111Hz, also known as “divine frequency” is said to be a “holy” frequency, allowing deepest states of meditation and connecting to higher spheres of consciousness.

According to scientific reports, MRI scans have shown that - when listening to 111 Hz - our brain reduces prefrontal cortex activity and slows down the so-called “language center”, inducing a phase at exactly 111 Hz.

111Hz + 444Hz Spiritual Healing Flute & Singing Bowls

111Hz + 444Hz Spiritual Healing Flute & Singing Bowls

In Malta, the ancient temple of “Ħal-Saflieni” is the only prehistoric underground temple in the world. It dates back to nearly 3,500 years ago and holds a unique secret: Its structure resonates at 111 Hz, or the 'holy frequency.' This resonating frequency isn't just restricted to one room. The builders of that era created a series of phenomenal temples with mirroring underground catacombs, all resonating at 111 Hz.

