Inner Lotus Music Blog — Solfeggio Frequencies

417Hz + 528Hz Heal Trauma & Restore Self Love

417Hz + 528Hz Heal Trauma & Restore Self Love

This specially composed music for meditation and/or sleep, combines the healing Solfeggio frequencies of 417 Hz and 528 Hz and is here for you to lovingly support you on your healing journey to self-love, self-acceptance, self-assurance, inner balance and deep inner peace.
F-L-O-W ≈ 963Hz Frequency of Freedom ≈ Love ≈ Oneness ≈ Wisdom

F-L-O-W ≈ 963Hz Frequency of Freedom ≈ Love ≈ Oneness ≈ Wisdom

Also called the “Frequency of Gods”, the 963Hz Solfeggio frequency is said to awaken any system to its original, perfect state. Its tone, also associated with our pineal gland and the crown chakra, helps us return to oneness, to our very source.

