Inner Lotus Music Blog — Sleep Music

Crown Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

Crown Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

The crown chakra, also called “Sahasrara” is generally considered the seventh primary chakra and is located directly at the crown of the head. Sahasrara is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness. It is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate.

Third Eye Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

Third Eye Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

The third eye chakra, also called “Ajna”, is our center of intuition and foresight. It connects us with the higher intuition and guidance from our soul. Located slightly above and between the eyebrows, it sometimes also is referred as “brow chakra”. It is through the third eye chakra that we receive the guidance of our soul through intuition. Therefore it is sometimes called the "gateway to the soul".
Throat Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

Throat Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

Our throat chakra (also called “Vishuddha”) is the first of the three spiritual chakras, the energy center within our bodies associated with communication, truth, and self-expression. This music for meditation and/or sleep has been composed in a frequency our throat chakra can resonate with and is here for your to lovingly help you to be yourself in any situation.

Heart Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

Heart Chakra Resonance | 432Hz based Meditation Music

Opening and healing our heart chakra fills ourselves, our lives and the world we live in with love and positivity again. Relationships and connections can be harmonized, healed and deepened with and through love. When we are Love, we give Love and we receive Love.

