Calma Profunda y Paz Interior | 432Hz + 4.32Hz Theta
Está demostrado que la música sintonizada a 432 Hz es relajante para el cuerpo y la mente, y a menudo se percibe como más armoniosa y agradable que la frecuencia "estándar" de 440 Hz a la que está sintonizada la mayor parte de la música moderna que escuchamos.

Sueños Lúcidos | 963Hz + 4Hz Theta
Un sueño lúcido es aquel en el que uno sabe claramente que está soñando y, además, es capaz de ejercer una influencia directa.
Las personas que tienen sueños lúcidos pueden influir en ellos e incluso controlar su desarrollo.

Coherencia Corazón & Cerebro | 639Hz + 6Hz + 0.1Hz
Cuando tu corazón y tu cerebro están perfectamente sincronizados, la frecuencia medida es de 0,1 Hz. Es lo que se conoce como coherencia corazón-cerebro. Cuando hay coherencia corazón-cerebro, el sistema nervioso, el sistema cardiovascular, el sistema hormonal y el sistema inmunitario funcionan juntos de forma mucho más armoniosa y eficaz, lo que permite rendir al máximo.
Artículos recientes
- Todos
- 0.1 Delta Wave
- 0.1Hz
- 1.74Hz
- 10Hz
- 10hz alpha wave
- 11.1Hz
- 1111 hz music
- 1111Hz
- 111Hz
- 111Hz music
- 174Hz
- 2.85Hz
- 2.85Hz Delta Wave
- 285Hz
- 285Hz + 417Hz
- 3.2Hz
- 3.2Hz Delta Wave
- 396Hz
- 3rd Eye
- 3rd Eye Chakra
- 4.32Hz
- 4.32Hz theta wave
- 417Hz
- 417Hz music
- 432hz
- 432Hz music
- 444Hz
- 444hz music
- 4Hz
- 4Hz Theta Wave
- 528Hz
- 528Hz music
- 555Hz
- 639Hz
- 639Hz music
- 6Hz
- 6Hz Theta Wave
- 741Hz
- 75Hz
- 75Hz Music
- 852Hz
- 852hz music
- 8Hz
- 8Hz Alpha Wave
- 963Hz
- 963hz music
- Ajna
- alpha brainwave
- alpha wave
- alpha waves
- AN frequency
- Anahata
- ancestor
- ancestors
- ancestors pain healing
- ancestral healing
- angel number
- angel number frequency
- angel number healing music
- angel number meditation
- angel number music
- angel numbers
- angelic frequency music
- Angelnumber 555
- angels
- anxiety
- anxiety relief
- awaken intuition
- awareness
- black screen
- blessings
- blockages
- body healing
- bowls
- brain
- brainwave
- butterfly effect
- calm
- Chakra
- Chakra Frequencies
- Chakra Frequency
- Chakra Healing Music
- Chakra Meditation
- Chakras
- chaos theory
- clear negative energy
- coherence
- Crown Chakra
- delta brainwave
- delta waves
- detox
- elevate the mood
- elevate your vibration
- eliminate negative energy
- emotional balance
- emotional detox
- emotional healing
- emotional relief
- energy cleanse
- fall asleep fast
- flute
- flute and bowls music
- flute music
- frequency healing
- frequency of gods
- gods frequency
- good mood music
- happiness
- happiness frequency
- harmony
- healing
- healing frequencies
- Healing Frequency Music
- Healing Music
- Healing Solfeggio Frequencies
- heart
- heart and brain coherence
- Heart Chakra
- higher self
- Immersion
- Immersive Music
- infections
- Inner Center
- Inner Lotus Music
- inner peace
- insomnia
- insomnia relief
- intuition
- Isochronic Tone
- isochronic tones
- isochronous tones
- law of attraction
- let go of fear
- Love
- low frequencies
- low frequency music
- lucid dream
- lucid dreaming
- lucid dreams
- manifest anything
- manifest miracles
- manifest positive change
- Manipura
- Meditation
- Meditation Music
- meditative music
- mind calming
- miracle tone
- Muladhara
- Music
- music for healing
- music for meditation
- music for sleep
- music to fall asleep
- nature sounds
- nervous system
- nervous system reset
- ocean waves
- oneness
- overcome anxiety
- pain
- pain relief
- physical healing
- physical relief
- pineal gland
- pineal gland activation
- pineal gland decalcification
- positive change
- positive energy
- positive energy music
- protection
- rain
- rain sounds
- raise your vibration
- relaxation
- relaxing music
- release blockages
- remove all negativity
- restore sleep
- Root Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Sahasrara
- Sahasrara Chakra
- self assurance
- Self-Love
- Selflove
- sensual trauma
- sensual trauma release
- Singing Bowl
- Singing Bowls
- Sleep Music
- Solar Plexus
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Solarplexus
- Solfeggio
- Solfeggio Frequencies
- Solfeggio Frequency
- sound bath
- soundbath
- Soundscape
- spiritual detox
- spiritual healing
- spiritual music
- spirituality
- stress
- stress relief
- Svadhisthana
- tension relief
- theta brainwave
- theta waves
- Third Eye
- Third Eye Chakra
- Throat Chakra
- Tibetan Bowl
- Tibetan Bowls
- Tibetan Healing Sounds
- tissue healing
- tissue regeneration
- toxins
- Trauma
- Trauma Healing
- Vishuddha
- water
- waves
- white light
- white light meditation
- white light meditation music
- wounds